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Viewing Text

The most basic operation of Bible OL is that of viewing the Hebrew or Greek text of the Bible. From the Text and Exercises menu select Display text. This will take you to a web page displaying this dialog:

Bible OL

Under “Corpus” in that dialog you select the text database you want to use. You have four options:
  • Hebrew (ETCBC4, OT): This is the Hebrew text of the Old Testament as provided by the ETCBC4 database.
  • Hebrew (ETCBC4, Transliterated, OT): This is the Hebrew text of the Old Testament as provided by the ETCBC4 database, but written with Latin letters.
  • Greek (Nestle 1904,NT): This is the Greek text of the New Testament as provided by the Nestle 1904 database.
  • Jerome’s Vulgate (NT with omissions): This is the Latin text of the Vulgate translation of the New Testament.

You should read at least one of these sections: