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How to Use Shortcuts

If you are using a computer with a keyboard, you can use keyboard keys as shortcuts when answering questions.

A “>” sign in the left part of the question window indicates the question that is currently affected by your keystrokes:

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Use the keys Down Arrow or Up Arrow to move between lines in the current sub-question.

Use the keys Page Down or Page Up to move to the next/previous sub-question.

Use Ctrl-Down Arrow (in Windows) or Command-Down Arrow (on a Mac) to go to the next question. Note: There is no way to go back to the previous question! This is equivalent to clicking on the ”Next” button below the question.

Ctrl-G (in Windows) or Command-G (on a Mac) is equivalent to clicking on the “Check answer” button.

Ctrl-J (in Windows) or Command-J (on a Mac) is equivalent to clicking on the “Show answer” button.

Ctrl-S (in Windows) or Command-S (on a Mac) turns shortcut indicators on and off. Shortcut indicators are small squares containing the shortcut key. They are displayed in the corner of a rectangle containing an option. By default, shortcut indicators are shown on large screen (typically, computers) and they are not shown on small screens (phones or tablets).

Information about how to use shortcut keys to answer various questions is found under ““Answering various types of questions.”