Help pages

The User Interface

You access Bible OL through a web browser using an appropriate URL. Most users will use

If you access the Bible OL main web site using a computer, you will see an introductory page, at the top of which there is a menu:

Bible OL

If you are using a smartphone, you will see a small rectangle with three horizontal lines at the top right of the screen. Tap that rectangle to display the menu:

Bible OL

The menu has five items:

  • Home – Clicking this item takes you to the main web page.
  • Text and Exercises – This allows you to view the Hebrew and Greek biblical texts and to run exercises.
  • User Access – Here you can log in to the system and view the privacy policy.
  • Language – This lets you select the language of the user interface.
  • Variant – Here you can select between different variants of the terms and translations used.

If you have a user account (see Logging in), you can select Login from the User Access menu to access your personal features of the system. Once you have logged, in, a new menu item appears:

Note: In these help pages you will find an expression such as, “select the Text and exercises > Display text menu.” This means, “open the Text and exercises menu and select the Display text item from that menu.”