Lesson #1: Introduction to the "Weak Verbs" and Verba Gutturales
Lecture Overview
Course Overview
Introduction to the Weak Verbs. The Supplementary Document ("rule book") for verbal morphology can be downloaded here.
Verba Primae/Mediae Gutturales
Hebrew II entry exam
Lecture Recording
Below are videos that cover the taught material of this lesson.
Morphology: Introduction to the Verbal Classes
Morphology: Verba Primae Gutturals
Morphology: Verba Media Gutturalis
Go to the BibleOL and follow the instructions given under "First Steps for Students" and enroll into your instructor's class.
Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #01. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of the vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises First inform yourself about how to take BibleOL based exercises by following the instructions given under "Taking Exercises, Exams, and Looking up Grades/Performance Data". All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next class' day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: Primae and Mediae Guttural verbs: Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis: Click here. The Hebrew Handbook for Teaching with enclosed Syntax definitions can be downloaded here.
Read and Translate Gen 19:1-5. You find the text here. Consult the translation annotations for forms that you cannot analyze. Do not use any other assistance for your translation. No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Optional exercises: These exercises are not graded but offer an excellent way to prepare for the Hebrew-II entry exam the next day. You can do these exercises as often as you want.
Translation Gen 19:1-5. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Lecture Recording
Below are videos that cover the taught material of this and last lesson.
Morphology: Introduction to the Verbal Classes
Morphology: Verba Primae Gutturales
Morphology: Verba Mediae Gutturales
Morphology: Verba Tertiae Gutturales
Learn the rules of the Verba Gutturales and be able to analyze Verba Gutturales. => Consult the BHR pp16-19. For more details, see BHRG §18.2.4.
Learn Vocab of Lesson #02. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of the vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Day 8am (EST).
Morphology: Primae, Mediae, and Tertiae Gutturales verbs: Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 19:6-10): Click here.
Translation Translate Gen 19:6-10 (consult translation annotations for forms that you cannot yet analyze; do not use any other assistance for your translation). No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class, your translation performance will be graded.
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises:
We start using timer for vocab (10s/word) and morphology(100s/word).
WeQatal: cf. Gen 12:3, 19:2
What makes a Jussive a Jussive
Verba I-Aleph (BHRG §18.3/BHR p20)
Verba III-Aleph (BHRG §18.4/BHR p20)
Translation: Gen 19:6-10. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Lecture Recording
Below are videos that cover the taught material of this Lesson.
Morphology: Verba I-Aleph
Morphology: Verba III-Aleph
Learn the rules of the Verba I/III-Aleph and be able to analyze these verbs. => Consult the BHR pp16-19. For more details, see BHRG §18.3. - §18.4.
Learn Vocab of Lesson #03. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of the vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next class day at 8am (EST).
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 19:11-15): Click here.
Translation Translate Gen 19:11-15 (consult translation annotations for forms that you cannot yet analyze; do not use any other assistance for your translation). No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Print & Read: "Text-Grammar" Document (can be downloaded here). => Print and read the first two pages of the Text-Grammar document => Watch the following video on how to do text-syntactical analysis:
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises:
Translation: Gen 19:11-15. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Verbal Valence
Lecture Recording
Below are videos that cover the taught material of this Lesson.
Morphology: Verba I-Nun
Syntax: Verbal Valence
Syntax: Phrase/Word Order
Syntax: Text-grammar (part 1)
Syntax: Text-grammar (part 2)
Learn the rules of the Verba I/III-Aleph and be able to analyze these verbs. => Consult the BHR pp24-25. For more details, see BHRG §18.6 => Prepare for the mini-exam next Monday!
Learn Vocab of Lesson #04. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of the vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Monday evening 6pm (EST). I will start grading next Monday after 6pm.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 19:16-20): Click here.
Translation Translate Gen 19:16-20 (consult translation annotations for forms that you cannot yet analyze; do not use any other assistance for your translation). No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Prepare for next lesson's mini exam (testing vocab, morphology, and phrase function of a particular text).
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises:
Take your in-class-quiz mini-exam here (testing vocabulary, morphology, and phrase functions of a particular text).
Verba I-Yod/I-Waw (BHRG §18.7/BHR p26-28)
Translation: Gen 19:16-20. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Lecture Recording
Below are videos that cover the taught material of this Lesson.
Morphology: Verba I-Yod
Morphology: Verba I-Waw
Learn the rules of the Verba I-Yod/I-Waw and be able to analyze these verbs. => Consult the BHR pp26-28. For more details see BHRG §18.7
Learn Vocab of Lesson #05. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Class day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: Verba I-Yod/I-Waw (cumulative): Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 19:20-24): Click here.
Translation Translate Gen 19:21-24 (consult translation annotations for forms that you cannot yet analyze; do not use any other assistance for your translation). No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises:
Translation: Gen 19:21-24. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Syntax: Word order, Object, Complement, Adjunct (BHRG §12.1)
Verbal Valence => Examples:
I run (Pred)
I run (Pred) in Chicago (Lo)
I run (Pred) a marathon (Obj) for a charity (Adj)
I ran (Pred) the marathon (Obj) in Boston (Lo) today (Ti)
I run (Pred) a shop (Obj): (lexical set determines meaning)
I run (Pred) a shop (Obj) in Chicago (Lo)
I run (Pred) into a problem (Compl)
I run (Pred) into a problem (Compl) for you (Adj)
(Pred) עָשָׂה: nonsense
(Obj) בַּיִת (Pred) עָשָׂה: he makes a house
(Comp) מִקְדָּשׁ (Obj) בַּיִת (Pred) עָשָׂה: he makes a house as (into) a temple
(Adj) לַיהוָה (Comp) מִקְדָּשׁ (Obj) בַּיִת (Pred) עָשָׂה: he makes a house as a temple for YHWH
Lecture Recording
Below are videos that cover the taught material of this Lesson.
Morphology: Verba III-He (part 1)
Morphology: Verba III-He (part 2)
Syntax: Verbal Valence
Syntax: Phrase/Word Order
Learn the rules of the Verba III-Hey and be able to analyze these verbs. => Consult the BHR pp34-35. For more details see BHRG §18.5
Learn Vocab of Lesson #06. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Class day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: Verba III-Hey (cumulative): Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 20:1-5): Click here.
Translate Gen 20:1-5 You find the text here. Consult the translation annotations for forms that you cannot analyze. Do not use any other assistance for your translation. No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Perform and upload a Text-Syntactical analysis of Gen 20:1-4 . This assignment is graded. You can download the unindented text here. You might also want to consult the Text-Grammar video that you watched on Week #3 (item no5 of your assignment of week #03). Upload your document to the Learninghub.
Your task:
Indent clauses according to their dependency.
Mark direct speeches.
Mark each paragraph on the basis of text-syntaxis (explicit [re]introduction of participants).
Indicate what is foreground and what is background.
Optional (and voluntary) Morphology testing Sheets. You can use the following verbal form sheets to practice your morphological analysis skills.
Verba II-Waw/Yod/Geminate (BHRG §18.8, §18.10.8/BHR p29-31)
Translation: Gen 20:1-5. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Text-Grammar Overview
Lecture Recording
Below are videos that cover the taught material of this Lesson.
Morphology: Verba II-Waw
Morphology: Verba II-Yod
Text-grammar: The function of Verbal Form/Tenses (part 1)
Text-grammar: The function of Verbal Form/Tenses (part 2)
Learn the rules of II-Waw/Yod verbs and be able to analyze these verbs. => Consult the BHR pp29-31. For more details see BHRG §18.8
Learn Vocab of Lesson #07. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Class day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: Verba II-Waw/Yod (cumulative): Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 20:6-12): Click here.
Translation Translate Gen 20:6-12 (consult translation annotations for forms that you cannot yet analyze; do not use any other assistance for your translation). No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises:
Verba II-Waw/Yod/Geminate (BHRG §18.8, §18.10.8/BHR p29-31)
Translation of Gen 20:1-12. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Text-Grammar Overview
Lecture Recording
Below are videos that cover the taught material of this Lesson.
Morphology: Verba II-Waw
Morphology: Verba II-Yod
Morphology: Verba Geminate
Text-grammar: The function of Verbal Form/Tenses (part 1)
Text-grammar: The function of Verbal Form/Tenses (part 2)
Learn the rules of II-Waw/Yod/Geminate verbs and be able to analyze these verbs. => Consult the BHR pp29-31. For more details see BHRG §18.8
Learn Vocab of Lesson #08. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of the vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Class day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: Verba Geminate (cumulative): Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 20:13-18): Click here.
Translation Translate Gen 20:13-18 (consult translation annotations for forms that you cannot yet analyze; do not use any other assistance for your translation). No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Optional (and voluntary) Morphology testing Sheets You can use the following verbal form sheets to practice your morphological analysis skills.
Translation of Gen 20:1-12. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Text-Grammar Overview
Revisit the Rules for each Verbal Class.
Learn Vocab of Lesson #09. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Class day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: All Verbs of Any Verbal Class: Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Ruth 1:1-5): Click here.
Translation Translate Ruth 1:1-5. You find the BHS version of the text here. The Codex Aleppo version of the text can be downloaded here. Consult the translation annotations for forms that you cannot analyze. Do not use any other assistance for your translation. No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises:
Translation of Gen 20 and Ruth 1. Consult the on-the-go translation in the videos below:
Revisit the Rules for each Verbal Class.
Learn Vocab of Lesson #10. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Class day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: All Verbs of Any Verbal Class: Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Ruth 1:6-12): Click here.
Translation Translate Ruth 1:6-12 (consult translation annotations for forms that you cannot yet analyze; do not use any other assistance for your translation). No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises:
Translation: Ruth 1, Random Texts. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Learn Vocab of Lesson #11. You can optionally watch the pronunciation of vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Class day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: All Verbs of Any Verbal Class: Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Ruth 1:13-22): Click here.
Translation Translate Ruth 1:13-22 (consult translation annotations for forms that you cannot yet analyze; do not use any other assistance for your translation). No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises:
Midterm is on Monday (1st attempt). 2nd (voluntary) attempt is on Tuesday morning (7:30am-8:30am).
Translation: Ruth 1, Random Texts. Consult the on-the-go translation in the video below:
Learn Vocab of Lesson #12 (final vocab list!). You can optionally watch the pronunciation of vocabulary below:
BibleOL exercises Note: All BibleOL exercises are graded. You can take each exercise as often as you want. I will only grade your best run. The deadline is next Class day at 8am (EST).
Morphology: All Verbs of Any Verbal Class: Click here.
Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Psalm 3): Click here.
Translation Translate Psa 3. You find the text here. Consult the translation annotations for forms that you cannot analyze. Do not use any other assistance for your translation. No upload to the LH is required. Just make sure you bring your translation to class. In class your translation performance will be graded.
Optional (and voluntary) targeted BOL based verbal morphology exercises: