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Lesson #1: Introduction to the Verbal Classes, Verba Primae/Mediae Gutturalis

=> Lesson Material

  • Morphology: Introduction to the Verbal Classes

  • Morphology: Verba Primae Gutturals

  • Morphology: Verba Media Gutturalis


=> Assignments

  • Learn Verbal Classes
  • Learn the verbal class Verba Primae Gutturalis and Verba Mediae Gutturalis (BHR p16-17).
  • Translate Gen 19:1-5 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #01.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #1: Click here.
    • Morphology: Primae and Mediae Guttural verbs: Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis: Click here.
  • Optional Exercises to Review of TOHFL Course #1:
    • Vocabulary of OTST551: Click here.
    • Morphology: Prefixing: Click here.
    • Morphology: Nouns: Click here.
    • Morphology: Suffixes attached to Nouns and Particles: Click here.
    • Morphology: Regular Verbs: Click here.



Lesson #2: Verba Tertiae Gutturalis

=> Lesson Material

  • Morphology: Verba Tertiae Gutturales


=> Assignments

  • Learn the rules of the Verba Gutturales and be able to analyze any Verba Gutturales (BHR pp16-19; for more details see BHRG §18.2.4.)
  • Translate Gen 19:6-10 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #02.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #2: Click here.
    • Morphology: Primae, Mediae, and Tertiae Gutturales verbs: Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 19:6-10): Click here.


Lesson #3: Verba I-Aleph, Verba III-Aleph, Text-Grammar (I)

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Gen 19:6-10
  • Morphology: Verba I-Aleph (BHR p20/BHRG §18.3)

  • Morphology: Verba III-Aleph (BHR p20/BHRG §18.4)

  • Text Grammar:



=> Assignments

  • Learn the rules of the Verba Gutturales and be able to analyze any Verba Gutturales (BHR p20; for more details see BHRG §18.3. – §18.4.)
  • Print and read the first two pages of the Text-Grammar document.
  • Translate Gen 19:11-15 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #3.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #3: Click here.
    • Morphology: Verba I/III-Aleph: Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 19:11-15): Click here.


Lesson #4: Verba I-Nun, Verbal Valence, Syntax, Text-Grammar (II)

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Gen 19:11-15

  • Morphology: Verba I-Nun (BHR p24-45/BHRG §18.6)

  • Syntax: Verbal Valence


  • Syntax: Phrase/Word Order


  • Syntax: Text-grammar (part 1)


  • Syntax: Text-grammar (part 2)



=> Assignments

  • Learn the rules of the Verba Gutturales and be able to analyze any Verba Gutturales (BHR p20; for more details see BHRG §18.3. – §18.4.)
  • Print and read the first two pages of the Text-Grammar document.
  • Translate Gen 19:16-20 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #4.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #4: Click here.
    • Morphology: Verba I-Nun (cumulative): Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 19:16-20): Click here.


Lesson #5: Verba I-Yod, Verba I-Waw

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Gen 19:11-15

  • Morphology: Verba I-Yod (BHR p26-28/BHRG §18.7)

  • Morphology: Verba I-Waw



=> Assignments

  • Learn the rules of the Verba Gutturales and be able to analyze any Verba Gutturales (BHR p26-28; for more details see BHRG §18.7.)
  • Print and read the first two pages of the Text-Grammar document.
  • Translate Gen 19:21-24 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #5.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #5: Click here.
    • Morphology: Verba I-Yod/I-Waw (cumulative): Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 19:16-20): Click here.



Lesson #6: Verba III-He, Syntax, Valence

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Gen 19:11-15

  • Morphology: Verba III-He part 1 (BHR pp34-35;  for more details see BHRG §18.5)

  • Morphology: Verba III-He (part 2)


  • Syntax: Verbal Valence


  • Syntax: Phrase/Word Order



=> Assignments

  • Learn the rules of the Verba Gutturales and be able to analyze any Verba Gutturales (BHR p26-28; for more details see BHRG §18.7.)
  • Print and read the first two pages of the Text-Grammar document.
  • Translate Gen 20:1-5 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Perform a Text-Syntactical analysis of Gen 20:1-4 . You can download the unindented text here. Your task:
    • Indent clauses according to their dependency
    • Mark direct speeches
    • Mark each paragraph on the basis of text-syntaxis (explicit [re]introduction of participants)
    • Indicate what is foreground and what is background
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #6.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #6: Click here.
    • Morphology: Verba III-He (cumulative): Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 20:1-5): Click here.
  • Optional Morphology testing Sheets:
    You can use the following verbal form sheets to practice your morphological analysis skills.

    • Download the practice sheet here.
    • Download the answer key here


Lesson #7: Verba II-Waw/Yod, Functions of the Tenses

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Gen 20:1-5

  • Morphology: Verba II-Waw (BHR p29-31/BHRG §18.8, §18.10.8) 

  • Morphology: Verba II-Yod (BHR p29-31/BHRG §18.8, §18.10.8) 


  • Text-grammar: The function of Verbal Form/Tenses (part 1)


  • Text-grammar: The function of Verbal Form/Tenses (part 2)



=> Assignments

  • Learn the rules of the Verba II-Waw/Yod (BHR p29-31/BHRG §18.8, §18.10.8) 
  • Study Text-Grammar document.
  • Translate Gen 20:6-12 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #7.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #7: Click here.
    • Morphology: Verba II-Waw/Yod (cumulative): Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 20:6-12): Click here.



Lesson #8: Verba II-Waw/Yod, Functions of the Tenses

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Gen 20:1-12

  • Morphology: Verba Geminate (BHR pp32-33.  For more details see BHRG §18.9


=> Assignments

  • Learn the rules of the Verba Geminate (BHR p29-31/BHRG §18.8, §18.10.8) 
  • Translate Gen 20:13-18 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #8.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #8: Click here.
    • Morphology: Verba Geminate (cumulative): Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Gen 20:13-18): Click here.
  • Optional Morphology testing Sheets:
    You can use the following verbal form sheets to practice your morphological analysis skills.

    • Download the practice sheet here.
    • Download the answer key here




Lesson #9: Translation and Grammar Rehearsal

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Gen 20:1-18
  • Repetition of Verbal Classes

=> Assignments

  • Translate Ruth 1:1-5 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #9.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #9: Click here.
    • Morphology: All Verbs of Any Verbal Class: Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Ruth 1:1-5): Click here.




Lesson #10: Translation and Grammar Rehearsal

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Ruth 1:1-5

=> Assignments

  • Translate Ruth 1:6-12 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #10.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Day/Week #10: Click here.
    • Morphology: All Verbs of Any Verbal Class: Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Ruth 1:6-12): Click here.





Lesson #11: Translation

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Ruth 1:1-5

=> Assignments

  • Start testing yourself with the Final Exam material. The final exam consists of four parts:

    • Vocab: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be asked ~20 randomly selected words appearing more than 100 times.
    • Morphology: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~20 randomly selected verbal forms to analyze.
    • Syntax Phrase Functions: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~10 randomly selected clauses, of which you need to identify the phrase function of some of the contained phrases.
    • Syntax Clause Connections: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~8 clauses. You will have to determine the nature of each clause (independent, dependent, attributive, object, or object clause).

      Each exam part contains a comprehensive description with a video tutorial. Take your time to get acquainted with the exam material and use it to your advantage. The more you test yourself, the better you will get in the final exam. The final exam will use the same data pool as the above-listed BOL exercises. Thus, no surprises are to be expected in the final exam.
  • Translate Ruth 1:13-22 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #11.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Lesson #11: Click here.
    • Morphology: All Verbs of Any Verbal Class: Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Ruth 1:13-22): Click here.




Lesson #12: Translation

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Ruth 1:1-5

=> Assignments

  • Continue testing yourself with the Final Exam material. The final exam consists of four parts:

    • Vocab: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be asked ~20 randomly selected words appearing more than 100 times.
    • Morphology: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~20 randomly selected verbal forms to analyze.
    • Syntax Phrase Functions: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~10 randomly selected clauses, of which you need to identify the phrase function of some of the contained phrases.
    • Syntax Clause Connections: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~8 clauses. You will have to determine the nature of each clause (independent, dependent, attributive, object, or object clause).

      Each exam part contains a comprehensive description with a video tutorial. Take your time to get acquainted with the exam material and use it to your advantage. The more you test yourself, the better you will get in the final exam. The final exam will use the same data pool as the above-listed BOL exercises. Thus, no surprises are to be expected in the final exam.
  • Translate Psalm 3 with the help of the Translation Annotations.
  • Learn Vocabulary of Lesson #12.
  • BibleOL exercise:
    • Vocabulary: Word of Day/Week #12: Click here.
    • Morphology: All Verbs of Any Verbal Class: Click here.
    • Syntax: Phrase Function Analysis (Psalm 3): Click here.




Lesson #13: Translation

=> Lesson Material

  • Translation: Psalm 3

=> Assignments

  • Continue testing yourself with the Final Exam material. The final exam consists of four parts:

    • Vocab: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be asked ~20 randomly selected words appearing more than 100 times.
    • Morphology: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~20 randomly selected verbal forms to analyze.
    • Syntax Phrase Functions: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~10 randomly selected clauses, of which you need to identify the phrase function of some of the contained phrases.
    • Syntax Clause Connections: Here is the testing data the Final Exam draws from. In the final exam, you will be presented with ~8 clauses. You will have to determine the nature of each clause (independent, dependent, attributive, object, or object clause).

      Each exam part contains a comprehensive description with a video tutorial. Take your time to get acquainted with the exam material and use it to your advantage. The more you test yourself, the better you will get in the final exam. The final exam will use the same data pool as the above-listed BOL exercises. Thus, no surprises are to be expected in the final exam.