Example: First Hebrew exercise
Example: Second Hebrew exercise
Example: Third Hebrew exercise
Example: Second Greek exercise
Class management
Example: Create a simple Hebrew exercise
Example: Create an advanced Hebrew exercise
Example: Create a simple Greek exercise
Classes serve a double purpose in Bible OL: Firstly, class membership controls access to collections of exercises. Exercises are stored in a hierarchy of folders, and access the contents of a folder can be restricted to students enrolled in a particular class. Secondly, teachers can monitor the students enrolled in a class and gather statistics about how each student is progressing.
To open class management, select Administration > Classes. You will then see a table that looks something like this:
Here you see a list of all the classes that exist in the system. We assume that you are Lilian Lane. You are listed as the owner of the class “Greek part 1”. Your colleague Andy Anderson is the owner of the two Hebrew classes.
To add a new class, click the “Add new class” button. You will then see this dialog:
Enter this information about your new class:
When you press “OK”, your class will be created:
In the table of classes, you'll find three or four buttons under the heading “Operations”:
Normally, you can only modify classes you own, but if you have sysadmin privileges, you can modify any class in the system.
There are three ways to enroll students in a class: The students can enroll themselves, or the teacher can enroll them through the Class Management menu discussed here or through the User Management menu.
If you want to prevent students from enrolling themselves, you have two options:
To enroll students in your class using the menu we are discussing here, press the “Assign users” button. This will show you a list of all users. (This can be a very long list indeed.) Here you can add or remove students from your class. The “Enroll before” date does not affect your ability to enroll students in your own class.