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SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=4 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=5 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=6 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=7 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=8 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=9 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=10 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=11 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=12 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=13 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=14 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=15 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=16 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=17 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=18 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=19 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=20 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=21 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=22 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=23 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=24 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=2 [verse verse=25 ]]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis [chapter chapter=3 ]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 728-1666 } WHERE [sentence [word NORETRIEVE (frequency_rank>=1 AND frequency_rank<=727)] ] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 886-897 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1507-1515 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1423-1424 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1134-1138 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1524-1529 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1029-1038 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1070-1077 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1000-1006 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1473-1476 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1157-1164 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 784-790 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 933-937 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1230-1231 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 898-904 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1606-1608 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 770-777 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1152-1156 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 905-911 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1139-1147 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1470-1472 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1481-1485 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1221-1222 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1435-1446 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1498-1501 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 926-932 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1307-1310 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1168-1181 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1425-1431 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1039-1049 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1191-1197 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1378-1388 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1542-1551 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1284-1287 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1165-1167 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 996-999 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1622-1637 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 873-876 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1592-1603 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1288-1289 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 832-862 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1490-1493 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 728-736 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 962-970 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1130-1133 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1368-1369 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1148-1151 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 989-995 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1494-1497 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 824-831 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 978-988 } [book] SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 886-897 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 886-897 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 886-897 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 886-897 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1507-1515 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1507-1515 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1507-1515 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1507-1515 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1423-1424 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1423-1424 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1423-1424 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1423-1424 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1134-1138 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1134-1138 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1134-1138 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1134-1138 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1524-1529 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1524-1529 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1524-1529 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1524-1529 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1029-1038 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1029-1038 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1029-1038 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1029-1038 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1070-1077 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1070-1077 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1070-1077 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1070-1077 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1000-1006 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1000-1006 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1000-1006 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1000-1006 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1473-1476 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1473-1476 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1473-1476 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1473-1476 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1157-1164 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1157-1164 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1157-1164 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1157-1164 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 784-790 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 784-790 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 784-790 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 784-790 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 933-937 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 933-937 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 933-937 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 933-937 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1230-1231 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1230-1231 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1230-1231 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1230-1231 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 898-904 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 898-904 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 898-904 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 898-904 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1606-1608 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1606-1608 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1606-1608 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1606-1608 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 770-777 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 770-777 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 770-777 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 770-777 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1152-1156 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1152-1156 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1152-1156 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1152-1156 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 905-911 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 905-911 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 905-911 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 905-911 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1139-1147 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1139-1147 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1139-1147 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1139-1147 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1470-1472 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1470-1472 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1470-1472 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1470-1472 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1481-1485 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1481-1485 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1481-1485 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1481-1485 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1221-1222 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1221-1222 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1221-1222 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1221-1222 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1435-1446 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1435-1446 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1435-1446 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1435-1446 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1498-1501 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1498-1501 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1498-1501 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1498-1501 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 926-932 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 926-932 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 926-932 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 926-932 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1307-1310 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1307-1310 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1307-1310 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1307-1310 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1168-1181 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1168-1181 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1168-1181 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1168-1181 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1425-1431 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1425-1431 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1425-1431 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1425-1431 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1039-1049 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1039-1049 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1039-1049 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1039-1049 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1191-1197 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1191-1197 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1191-1197 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1191-1197 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1378-1388 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1378-1388 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1378-1388 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1378-1388 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1542-1551 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1542-1551 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1542-1551 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1542-1551 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1284-1287 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1284-1287 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1284-1287 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1284-1287 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1165-1167 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1165-1167 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1165-1167 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1165-1167 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 996-999 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 996-999 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 996-999 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 996-999 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1622-1637 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1622-1637 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1622-1637 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1622-1637 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 873-876 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 873-876 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 873-876 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 873-876 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1592-1603 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1592-1603 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1592-1603 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1592-1603 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1288-1289 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1288-1289 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1288-1289 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1288-1289 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 832-862 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 832-862 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 832-862 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 832-862 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1490-1493 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1490-1493 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1490-1493 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1490-1493 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 728-736 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 728-736 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 728-736 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 728-736 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 962-970 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 962-970 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 962-970 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 962-970 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1130-1133 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1130-1133 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1130-1133 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1130-1133 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1368-1369 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1368-1369 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1368-1369 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1368-1369 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1148-1151 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1148-1151 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1148-1151 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1148-1151 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 989-995 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 989-995 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 989-995 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 989-995 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1494-1497 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1494-1497 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1494-1497 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1494-1497 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 824-831 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 824-831 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 824-831 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 824-831 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 978-988 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 978-988 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 978-988 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 978-988 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {886} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {886} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {886} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1507} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1507} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1507} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1423} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1423} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1423} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1134} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1134} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1134} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1524} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1524} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1524} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1029} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1029} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1029} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1070} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1070} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1070} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1000} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1000} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1000} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1473} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1473} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1473} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1157} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1157} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1157} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {784} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {784} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {784} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {933} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {933} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {933} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1230} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1230} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1230} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {898} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {898} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {898} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1606} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1606} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1606} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {770} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {770} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {770} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1152} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1152} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1152} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {905} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {905} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {905} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1139} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1139} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1139} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1470} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1470} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1470} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1481} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1481} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1481} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1221} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1221} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1221} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1435} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1435} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1435} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1498} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1498} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1498} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {926} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {926} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {926} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1307} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1307} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1307} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1168} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1168} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1168} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1425} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1425} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1425} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1039} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1039} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1039} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1191} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1191} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1191} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1378} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1378} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1378} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1542} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1542} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1542} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1284} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1284} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1284} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1165} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1165} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1165} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {996} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {996} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {996} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1622} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1622} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1622} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {873} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {873} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {873} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1592} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1592} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1592} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1288} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1288} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1288} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {832} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {832} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {832} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1490} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1490} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1490} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {728} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {728} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {728} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {962} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {962} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {962} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1130} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1130} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1130} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1368} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1368} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1368} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1148} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1148} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1148} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {989} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {989} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {989} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1494} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1494} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1494} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {824} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {824} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {824} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {978} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {978} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {978} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx SELECT All OBJECTS IN { 886-897, 1507-1515, 1423-1424, 1134-1138, 1524-1529, 1029-1038, 1070-1077, 1000-1006, 1473-1476, 1157-1164, 784-790, 933-937, 1230-1231, 898-904, 1606-1608, 770-777, 1152-1156, 905-911, 1139-1147, 1470-1472, 1481-1485, 1221-1222, 1435-1446, 1498-1501, 926-932, 1307-1310, 1168-1181, 1425-1431, 1039-1049, 1191-1197, 1378-1388, 1542-1551, 1284-1287, 1165-1167, 996-999, 1622-1637, 873-876, 1592-1603, 1288-1289, 832-862, 1490-1493, 728-736, 962-970, 1130-1133, 1368-1369, 1148-1151, 989-995, 1494-1497, 824-831, 978-988 } WHERE [word (frequency_rank>=1 AND frequency_rank<=727) GET language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,vs] GOqxqxqx