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SELECT ALL OBJECTS WHERE [book book=Genesis ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1-28762 } WHERE [sentence [word NORETRIEVE vs IN (qal) AND vt IN (impf) AND sp IN (verb) AND (NOT verb_class HAS regular)] ] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1456-1469 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 26482 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 18326-18348 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 6667-6669 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 4121-4134 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 504-533 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 16071-16073 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 17363-17372 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 16241-16264 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 26053-26058 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 20496-20500 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 28572-28575 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 2901-2907 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 19280-19292 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 27705-27710 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 22844-22856 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 7409-7412 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 10881-10890 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 14782-14787 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 22957-22958 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 17320-17325 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 27689-27693 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 12254 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 17865-17867 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 16130-16135 } [book] SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1456-1469 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1456-1469 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1456-1469 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1456-1469 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 26482 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 26482 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 26482 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 26482 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 18326-18348 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 18326-18348 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 18326-18348 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 18326-18348 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 6667-6669 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 6667-6669 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 6667-6669 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 6667-6669 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 4121-4134 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 4121-4134 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 4121-4134 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 4121-4134 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 504-533 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 504-533 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 504-533 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 504-533 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16071-16073 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16071-16073 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16071-16073 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16071-16073 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17363-17372 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17363-17372 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17363-17372 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17363-17372 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16241-16264 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16241-16264 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16241-16264 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16241-16264 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 26053-26058 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 26053-26058 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 26053-26058 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 26053-26058 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 20496-20500 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 20496-20500 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 20496-20500 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 20496-20500 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 28572-28575 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 28572-28575 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 28572-28575 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 28572-28575 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 2901-2907 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 2901-2907 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 2901-2907 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 2901-2907 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 19280-19292 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 19280-19292 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 19280-19292 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 19280-19292 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27705-27710 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27705-27710 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27705-27710 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27705-27710 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 22844-22856 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 22844-22856 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 22844-22856 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 22844-22856 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 7409-7412 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 7409-7412 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 7409-7412 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 7409-7412 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 10881-10890 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 10881-10890 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 10881-10890 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 10881-10890 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 14782-14787 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 14782-14787 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 14782-14787 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 14782-14787 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 22957-22958 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 22957-22958 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 22957-22958 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 22957-22958 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17320-17325 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17320-17325 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17320-17325 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17320-17325 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27689-27693 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27689-27693 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27689-27693 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27689-27693 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 12254 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 12254 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 12254 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 12254 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17865-17867 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17865-17867 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17865-17867 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 17865-17867 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16130-16135 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16130-16135 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16130-16135 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 16130-16135 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1456} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1456} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1456} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {26482} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {26482} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {26482} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {18326} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {18326} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {18326} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {6667} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {6667} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {6667} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {4121} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {4121} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {4121} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {504} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {504} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {504} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16071} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16071} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16071} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17363} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17363} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17363} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16241} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16241} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16241} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {26053} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {26053} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {26053} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {20496} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {20496} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {20496} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {28572} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {28572} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {28572} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {2901} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {2901} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {2901} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {19280} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {19280} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {19280} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27705} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27705} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27705} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {22844} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {22844} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {22844} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {7409} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {7409} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {7409} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {10881} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {10881} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {10881} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {14782} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {14782} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {14782} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {22957} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {22957} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {22957} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17320} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17320} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17320} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27689} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27689} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27689} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {12254} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {12254} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {12254} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17865} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17865} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {17865} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16130} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16130} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {16130} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx SELECT All OBJECTS IN { 1456-1469, 26482, 18326-18348, 6667-6669, 4121-4134, 504-533, 16071-16073, 17363-17372, 16241-16264, 26053-26058, 20496-20500, 28572-28575, 2901-2907, 19280-19292, 27705-27710, 22844-22856, 7409-7412, 10881-10890, 14782-14787, 22957-22958, 17320-17325, 27689-27693, 12254, 17865-17867, 16130-16135 } WHERE [word vs IN (qal) AND vt IN (impf) AND sp IN (verb) AND (NOT verb_class HAS regular) GET language,lex,vs,ps,gn,nu] GOqxqxqx