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SELECT MIN_M GOqxqxqx SELECT MAX_M GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1-426583 } WHERE [sentence [word NORETRIEVE vs IN (hif) AND vt IN (impf) AND sp IN (verb) AND NOT suffix_person IN (p1,p2,p3) AND ((verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS i_aleph AND NOT verb_class HAS i_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS i_nun AND NOT verb_class HAS i_waw AND NOT verb_class HAS i_yod AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_waw AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_yod AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_aleph AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_he AND NOT verb_class HAS hjh_xjh AND NOT verb_class HAS geminate AND NOT verb_class HAS analog_i_nun AND NOT verb_class HAS analog_i_waw AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants))] ] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 341008-341012 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 335424-335429 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 152230-152235 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 96129-96150, 96159-96199 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 364827-364828 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 34989-34998 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 351224-351227 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 212651-212655 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 69442-69453 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 339586-339591 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 69284-69290 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 41138-41141 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 247066 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 116390-116396 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 327705-327719 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 212341-212344 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 352763-352765 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 69372-69384 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 376415-376422 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 226846-226847 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 229688-229690 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 284616-284636 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 261417-261422 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 320329-320332 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 323088-323095 } [book] SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 341008-341012 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 341008-341012 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 341008-341012 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 341008-341012 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 335424-335429 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 335424-335429 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 335424-335429 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 335424-335429 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 152230-152235 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 152230-152235 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 152230-152235 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 152230-152235 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 96129-96150, 96159-96199 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 96129-96150, 96159-96199 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 96129-96150, 96159-96199 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 96129-96150, 96159-96199 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 364827-364828 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 364827-364828 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 364827-364828 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 364827-364828 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 34989-34998 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 34989-34998 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 34989-34998 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 34989-34998 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 351224-351227 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 351224-351227 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 351224-351227 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 351224-351227 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 212651-212655 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 212651-212655 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 212651-212655 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 212651-212655 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69442-69453 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69442-69453 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69442-69453 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69442-69453 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 339586-339591 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 339586-339591 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 339586-339591 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 339586-339591 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69284-69290 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69284-69290 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69284-69290 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69284-69290 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 41138-41141 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 41138-41141 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 41138-41141 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 41138-41141 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 247066 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 247066 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 247066 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 247066 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 116390-116396 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 116390-116396 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 116390-116396 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 116390-116396 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 327705-327719 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 327705-327719 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 327705-327719 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 327705-327719 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 212341-212344 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 212341-212344 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 212341-212344 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 212341-212344 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 352763-352765 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 352763-352765 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 352763-352765 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 352763-352765 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69372-69384 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69372-69384 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69372-69384 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 69372-69384 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 376415-376422 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 376415-376422 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 376415-376422 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 376415-376422 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 226846-226847 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 226846-226847 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 226846-226847 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 226846-226847 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 229688-229690 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 229688-229690 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 229688-229690 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 229688-229690 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 284616-284636 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 284616-284636 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 284616-284636 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 284616-284636 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 261417-261422 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 261417-261422 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 261417-261422 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 261417-261422 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 320329-320332 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 320329-320332 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 320329-320332 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 320329-320332 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 323088-323095 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 323088-323095 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 323088-323095 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 323088-323095 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {341008} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {341008} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {341008} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {335424} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {335424} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {335424} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {152230} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {152230} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {152230} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {96129} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {96129} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {96129} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {364827} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {364827} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {364827} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {34989} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {34989} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {34989} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {351224} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {351224} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {351224} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {212651} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {212651} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {212651} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69442} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69442} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69442} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {339586} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {339586} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {339586} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69284} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69284} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69284} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {41138} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {41138} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {41138} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {247066} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {247066} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {247066} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {116390} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {116390} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {116390} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {327705} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {327705} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {327705} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {212341} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {212341} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {212341} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {352763} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {352763} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {352763} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69372} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69372} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {69372} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {376415} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {376415} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {376415} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {226846} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {226846} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {226846} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {229688} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {229688} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {229688} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {284616} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {284616} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {284616} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {261417} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {261417} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {261417} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {320329} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {320329} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {320329} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {323088} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {323088} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {323088} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx SELECT All OBJECTS IN { 341008-341012, 335424-335429, 152230-152235, 96129-96150, 96159-96199, 364827-364828, 34989-34998, 351224-351227, 212651-212655, 69442-69453, 339586-339591, 69284-69290, 41138-41141, 247066, 116390-116396, 327705-327719, 212341-212344, 352763-352765, 69372-69384, 376415-376422, 226846-226847, 229688-229690, 284616-284636, 261417-261422, 320329-320332, 323088-323095 } WHERE [word vs IN (hif) AND vt IN (impf) AND sp IN (verb) AND NOT suffix_person IN (p1,p2,p3) AND ((verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS i_aleph AND NOT verb_class HAS i_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS i_nun AND NOT verb_class HAS i_waw AND NOT verb_class HAS i_yod AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_waw AND NOT verb_class HAS ii_yod AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_aleph AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_guttural AND NOT verb_class HAS iii_he AND NOT verb_class HAS hjh_xjh AND NOT verb_class HAS geminate AND NOT verb_class HAS analog_i_nun AND NOT verb_class HAS analog_i_waw AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants)) GET self,language,lex,vs,vt,ps,gn,nu] GOqxqxqx