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SELECT MIN_M GOqxqxqx SELECT MAX_M GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1-426583 } WHERE [sentence [word NORETRIEVE lexeme_occurrences>=100 AND NOT vs IN (qal) AND vt IN (impf) AND sp IN (verb) AND ((NOT verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants AND NOT verb_class HAS i_waw_yod))] ] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 27413-27418 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 165995-165997 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 300816-300822 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 334325 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 3982-3993 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 363010-363017 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 168322-168334 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 153-156 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 215602-215620 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 1481-1485 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 318405-318409 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 252747-252756, 252766-252797, 252809-252812 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 349334-349337 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 222411-222420 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 81933-81946 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 53172-53176 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 213336-213355 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 144148-144153 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 55753-55762 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 347228-347231 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 96463-96465 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 106840-106841 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 91980-91999 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 349972-349976 } [book] GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN { 287255-287287 } [book] SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27413-27418 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27413-27418 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27413-27418 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 27413-27418 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 165995-165997 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 165995-165997 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 165995-165997 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 165995-165997 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 300816-300822 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 300816-300822 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 300816-300822 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 300816-300822 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 334325 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 334325 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 334325 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 334325 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 3982-3993 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 3982-3993 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 3982-3993 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 3982-3993 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 363010-363017 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 363010-363017 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 363010-363017 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 363010-363017 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 168322-168334 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 168322-168334 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 168322-168334 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 168322-168334 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 153-156 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 153-156 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 153-156 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 153-156 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 215602-215620 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 215602-215620 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 215602-215620 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 215602-215620 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1481-1485 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1481-1485 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1481-1485 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 1481-1485 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 318405-318409 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 318405-318409 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 318405-318409 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 318405-318409 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 252747-252756, 252766-252797, 252809-252812 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 252747-252756, 252766-252797, 252809-252812 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 252747-252756, 252766-252797, 252809-252812 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 252747-252756, 252766-252797, 252809-252812 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 349334-349337 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 349334-349337 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 349334-349337 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 349334-349337 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 222411-222420 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 222411-222420 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 222411-222420 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 222411-222420 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 81933-81946 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 81933-81946 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 81933-81946 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 81933-81946 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 53172-53176 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 53172-53176 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 53172-53176 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 53172-53176 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 213336-213355 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 213336-213355 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 213336-213355 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 213336-213355 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 144148-144153 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 144148-144153 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 144148-144153 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 144148-144153 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 55753-55762 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 55753-55762 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 55753-55762 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 55753-55762 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 347228-347231 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 347228-347231 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 347228-347231 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 347228-347231 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 96463-96465 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 96463-96465 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 96463-96465 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 96463-96465 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 106840-106841 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 106840-106841 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 106840-106841 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 106840-106841 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 91980-91999 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 91980-91999 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 91980-91999 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 91980-91999 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 349972-349976 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 349972-349976 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 349972-349976 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 349972-349976 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 287255-287287 } WHERE [word GET g_word_translit,g_lex_utf8,g_vbs_utf8,g_pfm_utf8,g_vbe_utf8,g_nme_utf8,g_prs_utf8,g_uvf_utf8,qere_utf8,language,lex,g_voc_lex_utf8,g_voc_lex_translit,lexeme_occurrences,frequency_rank,sp,pdp,ls,verb_class,vs,vt,st,ps,gn,nu,suffix_person,suffix_gender,suffix_number,g_word_utf8,g_suffix_utf8] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 287255-287287 } WHERE [phrase GET typ,function,det,rela] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 287255-287287 } WHERE [clause GET typ,kind,rela,txt,domain [clause_atom GET tab,code,code]] GOqxqxqx SELECT ALL OBJECTS IN { 287255-287287 } WHERE [sentence ] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27413} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27413} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {27413} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {165995} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {165995} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {165995} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {300816} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {300816} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {300816} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {334325} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {334325} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {334325} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {3982} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {3982} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {3982} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {363010} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {363010} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {363010} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {168322} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {168322} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {168322} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {153} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {153} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {153} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {215602} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {215602} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {215602} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1481} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1481} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {1481} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {318405} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {318405} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {318405} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {252747} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {252747} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {252747} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {349334} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {349334} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {349334} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {222411} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {222411} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {222411} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {81933} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {81933} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {81933} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {53172} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {53172} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {53172} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {213336} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {213336} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {213336} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {144148} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {144148} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {144148} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {55753} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {55753} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {55753} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {347228} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {347228} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {347228} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {96463} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {96463} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {96463} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {106840} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {106840} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {106840} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {91980} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {91980} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {91980} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {349972} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {349972} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {349972} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {287255} [book GET book] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {287255} [chapter GET chapter] GOqxqxqx GET OBJECTS HAVING MONADS IN {287255} [verse GET verse] GOqxqxqx SELECT All OBJECTS IN { 27413-27418, 165995-165997, 300816-300822, 334325, 3982-3993, 363010-363017, 168322-168334, 153-156, 215602-215620, 1481-1485, 318405-318409, 252747-252756, 252766-252797, 252809-252812, 349334-349337, 222411-222420, 81933-81946, 53172-53176, 213336-213355, 144148-144153, 55753-55762, 347228-347231, 96463-96465, 106840-106841, 91980-91999, 349972-349976, 287255-287287 } WHERE [word lexeme_occurrences>=100 AND NOT vs IN (qal) AND vt IN (impf) AND sp IN (verb) AND ((NOT verb_class HAS regular AND NOT verb_class HAS four_consonants AND NOT verb_class HAS i_waw_yod)) GET vs,ps,gn,nu,lex] GOqxqxqx